Over the weekend I completed one of the easiest projects I have done to date. Well minus the DIY Wood Bead Garland, that was super easy and one of my favorite projects. If you remember earlier last month we had our Modern Coastal Boys Room Reveal and for the most part, we kept things pretty minimal in the decor department.
We had planned on using his surfboard as part of the decor but haven’t had a chance to get it shipped in so I have been thinking of other items we could use in the space to give it a little something extra. If you are on Pinterest often then you know that wall hangings are totally trending right now and I have been dying to find a place for one in our home.
So a few weeks back when I ordered a lifeguard shack print I knew it would be the perfect test dummy for a DIY Wall Hanging and it would fit in perfectly with the coastal vibe in his bedroom.
This literally took me less than 10 minutes minus the drying time and I absolutely love the way it turned out. You could use this same method anywhere and honestly, I have seen everything from photos, posters, photos out of an old book to wrapping paper used in this project so the possibilities are endless! The price couldn’t be better either and if you hsvr most of the materials on hand like I did then it is much cheaper than buying a frame would be.
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Materials Needed
- Wood Glue
- staple gun or eyelets
- Piece of rope
- Stain (optional)
- Handsaw or Miter saw
- Measuring Tape
- Pencil
- Photo to hang
- Piece of wood (hobby lobby or any thin scrap piece)
Step One: Line up the piece of wood onto the photo where you would like it placed. On this one I wanted the wood to stick out one inch past the photo so I measured and made a small mark on both ends of the wood to indicate the cut.
Step Two: Cut the wood at the mark you created to get the appropriate size. Cut a second piece of wood at the same measurement as the first.
Optional Step: Since we have a coastal style in this room I wanted to keep the wood natural. If you would like the wood to be a different shade then this is where you will stain the wood pieces. Follow the directions on the can for appropriate drying times etc.
Step Three: Lay the photo down on some newspaper to keep from making a mess with the glue. Line the wood up exactly where you want it placed and make small pencil marks on the wood where the edge of the photo is.
Step Four: Place glue on the back of the wood piece and make sure to place it down perfectly on your marks so it doesn’t end up crooked.
Step Five: Repeat step five for the bottom piece. Then place something heavy (we used a golf club) on top of the wood pieces to help the glue stay put. I recommend allowing the glue to dry overnight but you can do it according to the directions on the glue if you like.
Step Six: Eyeball the size you would like your rope/string to be and cut to size.
Step Seven: You can either use a staple gun to staple the ends of the rope to the back of the wood or you can use small eye screws. I recommend the staples as it is the easiest and keeps the ends of the rope out of sight. Woo hoo, now go hang that beauty wherever you like!
There isn’t much I love more than being able to create something for almost nothing since I had a majority of the materials on hand it didn’t cost me a dime besides the photo! Projects like this can greatly improve the look of your home and the cost and time put into it is so minimal, what’s not to love? Let me know if you have something in mind that you plan on turning into a wall hanging and if you complete this project I would love to see how yours turns out so add it in the comments section.
Next week we are planning on starting the paint process for our living room! Ekkkk I am so excited to get this finished, I have been really dragging my feet on this one and I think it is because the living room is the first thing you see when you walk into our home and I want it to be perfect. There have been so many ideas dancing around in my head for this room that at times it gets confusing. So this week I am going to go back to the drawing board on this one and finalize all of our plans for the space. The painting will be no easy feat since we have such a large space and high ceilings, add in the fact that I am not the best painter in the world and this project is probably going to take a hot minute!
The end result will be nothing short of amazing though and that will be what keeps us motivated through the process. If you follow me on Instagram then over the weekend you probably saw where I asked what everyone thought we should do color wise with our built-ins. They are not like typical built-ins but rather like built-in shelves that were made to look like a custom set of built-ins, therefore, the back is actually part of the wall instead of wood. My first thought was to paint the backs bright white so that the items on the shelves will pop against the white background, but then the other part of my brain thinks that gray would look great also. You see why this space has me going back and forth? :)Also, I would love to hear your thoughts on the built-ins so leave them in the comments section.
Don’t forget to show some love and pin the image below!

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