Can you believe fall is already creeping up on us? I mean it feels like summer just began and now we are already in the middle of August. When the season’s change and the weather turns cooler I love to add extra layers throughout our home and this year was no exception. So over the weekend, I finished our fall master bedroom update.
When you see designers/bloggers updating their homes with the change of the seasons, like me you probably think how in the world can they afford to change their decor four times a year! Because let’s be real here, not everyone can afford to make significant changes that often and that’s okay because today I am going to show you how you can change things up without blowing the budget.
When summer begins we typically shed layers to prepare for the warmer months ahead and things usually get bright and playful as far as the decor options like blankets and throw pillows go. But in the fall/winter, it is time to add more layers such as faux fur and deeper colors. The key to this is to start out with neutral furniture pieces that allow you to make huge changes while still keeping your wallet full.
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information please see my Disclosures here.
It all starts with the pieces you purchase so when you are making over a room try to think a little further down the line and ask yourself if what you are purchasing can be used in another room? Is it a versatile piece that can easily be swapped out for something else? These are the questions I ask myself before I buy a decor piece for our home.
In doing so it makes things so much cheaper and much easier when it comes time to revamp a space. There will never be a time that I need to go out and purchase an entire set of anything unless I am just itching to completely overhaul the space. I can move things from one room to the next and all of the pieces work in sync together because they are all part of my signature style.
If there is one thing about me that my husband would tell you that drives him insane, it would be my love from throw blankets! There isn’t really a throw I don’t love and if my eyes spot one 9 times out of 10 I am going home with it one way or another. I literally cannot resist the cushy softness.
Last month I came across this gorgeous throw blanket online and absolutely had to have it! I mean just look at that print, it is everywhere lately and I have been trying to find a way to incorporate it into our home. So thank you TJ MAXX!
Then over the weekend while roaming the home decor aisles of Target I spotted this faux fur pillow and knew it would be perfect for our fall master bedroom update and in all honesty it could carry us right through to winter. Huge plus that it works perfectly with our leopard print pillows from the office and guess how much it cost?…. $20.00 y’all!
So I spent the day Sunday cleaning up our bedroom (with help from our little friend sparkles of course) and changing out our summer Schumacher pillows for the leopard print ones from the office. Next, I added a quilt under our duvet to make things a little cozier. Then I changed out our candles for something a more fall like and tada! Our master has an entirely different look and I spent less than $50.00 all together.
Times like this also gives me a great excuse to clean up our bedroom because if I am being honest it doesn’t stay like this very long. Usually, within a few days, my husband will have a huge pile of dirty clothes in the corner by the fiddle because he cannot seem to find the basket that sits a few feet away and I slowly begin to pile things inside the window seat, hey… when I’m in a rush that always looks like a great place for storage! 🙂
Oh, and I can’t forget I also added this darling Nate Berkus candle holder to my husband’s nightstand to replace the gold pineapple that was there before. Because there ain’t a thing about pineapples that says fall.
Now that our master has been updated for fall I can move on to other areas of the house and add warm layers. This year will be more minimal as far as the rooms I am able to do because we are in the process of pulling the trigger on our living area and beginning the huge project of painting the space. Our entryway, living room, dining room and kitchen are all in somewhat of a semi open circle, therefore, we cannot paint one area without painting the other areas as well.
The process will not be easy and it has taken me longer to pinpoint a design plan for our living area than any other room in our home because I really have to make sure that all of the spaces work together since they are all basically the same room. But there is no better time to begin than now since the kiddos will be back in school soon so they won’t be tracking paint everywhere (mainly the youngest) and we will be able to have the spaces wrapped up before the holidays arrive along with any holiday company we may have.
You have no idea how happy I will be once our living and kitchen are finished. They have been the bain of my existence for what seems like an eternity and it will make my heart happy to be able to walk into our home and every single area feel like “us”! Also for each area to have our very own personal stamp on it and say to our guests “this is who we are”. That moment is what keeps me pushing forward when I feel like I have run out of energy or ideas because in the beginning this was not an easy or cheap thing for me and I have had to endure some pretty costly mistakes on my journey. Those mistakes are the very thing that will make it feel that much better when having the home of our dreams finally becomes our reality.
Don’t forget to show some love and pin the image below! 🙂

Ashley this looks beautiful! Love the pattern play with your linens. This is proof that it doesn’t take much time or money to transform your room for the seasons. Great job friend 🙂
Aww, thank you so much, Beth! I really wanted to show people that it doesn’t have to be expensive, just a couple changes can totally transform a space.
If your husband can’t find the laundry basket with his dirty clothes, then move the basket to the clothes. Then you can sneakily try moving in a foot at a time into the spot you actually want it in … or learn to love it where he will use it.
I love shifting pillows and throws around the house. It’s fun to change up and leopard is always good…
Patricia I’m literally dying laughing right now! This is such a wonderful idea and I’m totally doing it! Thank you for taking the time to reach out and I am so sorry I just saw this, something is wrong with my notifications but I will get it fixed now that I know. 🙂 thank you again!
Love that bed. Wondering if you remember where it is from or have the link to anything similar.
Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your sweet comments! Here is a link to the bed, we absolutely love it! It covers the entire box spring which I had a hard time finding. One thing that could be an issue for some but is actually the one thing we wanted is it is very tall, like 65” so if you’re looking for something grand then this is 100% it! ***Affiliate- here’s a link you can also check Nebraska furniture mart, if you have one near you it’s worth it to pickup but if you are ordering online the price evens out with their shipping cost.