Welcome to this week’s Friday Favorites, where I discuss things from the week that I love or have inspired me in some way. This week has been absolutely amazing for me, August 1st was my six-month blogiversary, this has been by far one of the best experiences of my life and I have learned so many new things about myself and what I am capable of.
Earlier this week I received the news that I would be included into the Rewardstyle family, I could not be more excited to be able to offer you all an easier way to shop and if you are familiar with the LIKEtoKNOW. it app used on Instagram, it will also be included. Today you will notice a slider under the photo where you can shop the post, you may click any of the photos in the slider and it will take you directly to the item. So no more searching for links in the post, just one click and you are done.
As I learn more about LIKEtoKNOW.it I will be sure to let you guys know how to use it for those of you that are not familiar with the app. It really is an amazing option and makes things much easier for both you and I.
If you missed my post last Tuesday on the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, don’t fret you still have a little bit of time but don’t wait too long because on August 6th it will be over and all of those wonderful prices will be gone.
This entire summer has been so busy for us that I feel like I haven’t gotten anything accomplished at all. We have had a huge shift in our home and everyone is trying to get settled in so I chalk a lot of it up to that but fall is right around the corner and I cannot wait for all of us to get into a routine and for things to level out a little bit.
Over the past several months I have been noticing how much I love Shea McGee of Studio McGee, her eye for design leaves you constantly wanting more and she has such an amazing way of mixing old and new. Today’s list is inspired by her beautiful style because let’s be real, after staring at all of her wonderful design projects how could anyone not be inspired!
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Pamela Cabinet: This cabinet has been on my list of wants for several months, I love the stripes and the light color of the wood. We have the perfect little spot for it in our living area and I cannot wait to get started. You will notice in most of Shea’s designs she uses wood elements to give everything a beautiful blend of textures and colors.
Dance Art: This piece reminds me of one I found on McGee and Co. so when I saw it I knew it would be a great substitute. The days of crowding your walls with tons of small pieces are long gone. Instead, use one large art piece, your art should be hung at eye level or the center of the piece should be no taller than 60″.
DKNY Chunky Throw: With fall quickly approaching it’s time to gather those cozy throw blankets! Throw blankets are not only meant to keep you warm but they are also a wonderful accessory that can make the room look complete. These are the finishing touches all designers add to give it that extra layer and warmth.
Wool blend pillow & Eva Tassel Cover: The next thing you can do in order to transition from summer to fall is update those throw pillows! One thing you will notice about Shea’s style is she uses a mixture of pillows and none of them look the same. She carefully selects a mixture of pillows that are all different but still go very well together because of their commonalities. These two pillows are gorgeous and I would even throw a leather pillow in for good measure and to add more interest.
Beachcomber Tote Basket: The Beachcomber is probably the most popular basket in the design world. There are so many uses for this from storage or in place of a planter. The possibilities are endless and who doesn’t need more storage? I know I do.
This weekend is going to be busy, we have to get our school shopping finished up since it is tax-free weekend here in Oklahoma and we have plans to visit with family that are coming in from out of town. We are going to try to have some fun during these last few weeks of summer break, then it is back to project, project, project for us! We have really fallen behind over the summer and it is finally time to get our butts in gear! Don’t forget to show some love by pinning the image below. 🙂

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