Welcome to this week’s Friday Favorites, where I discuss things from the week that I love or have inspired me in some way. Raise your hand if you’re doing a happy dance because school is back in session! While our kids still have one more week left it still doesn’t change how freakin excited I am that summer is almost over and our lives can get back on schedule! Because let’s face it summer for some of us is like a punch in the gut, your kids are bored as hell, they eat 2500 meals a day, the house is destroyed, your sleep schedule is non-existent and all they want to do is complain about how bored they are! So yes, as much as I love our kids this momma is happy!
The next few weekends are jam-packed with major life events and I couldn’t feel like my head was spinning any more than I do right now. My baby sister is going to be starting her first year of college so we will be moving her stuff and getting her settled into the dorm. The entire thing makes me feel very happy for her but also sad that she won’t be around as much anymore. It also makes me feel like I am 5000 years old!
On top of that my best friend and her husband are going to be welcoming a new addition to the family very soon so we have an out of town baby shower to attend next weekend. For some reason, I have a problem with spazzing completely out when my schedule starts filling up. Immediately I begin to count all of the things that are not getting done and how long it will actually take me to catch up. My issue is I only ever do things like laundry, housework, blog projects, etc. on the weekends so we when that time starts to disappear I freak out a little bit.
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In a perfect world, I would work my ass off all week-long so that I would be able to have the weekends free and clear but I have never really figured out how to manage my time when I feel like a complete zombie after work. Add in the fact that I have been running on 4-5 hours of sleep day in- day out and I feel like my head may pop off soon. 🙂
Over the years I have followed countless blogs and have always had this impression in my head of this perfect person with the perfect home. You know the one I’m talking about don’t you? The woman who gets up hours before her family, works full-time at home or a 9-5 yet still manages to cook a fabulous dinner for her family every night, the kind that doesn’t have piles of laundry covering every square inch of the floor, the kind of woman who could have company at a moments notice and not be the least bit frazzled because her house is always clean!
As much as I let this image get me down and cause me to feel like I am totally failing at being a wife/mother, the truth is she doesn’t exist. No one person can do everything and when did we start expecting ourselves to? The world already holds us at such a high standard, if we aren’t doing every single thing listed above we aren’t super mom but when did we start believing it too?
This blog was meant to help anyone that wishes to have a home they love. This blog was not meant to make you believe that I am perfect, that my life is perfect, or that my house is perfect in any way. In fact, 99 % of the time our house looks like a bomb exploded, the laundry piles are high, the floors are dirty and several nights a week is “fend for yourself night” at our house because momma is running on fumes!
At some point, I have to get a hold of myself and wake up because the truth is I do a pretty damn good job juggling everything on my plate and so do you! Don’t allow this world or your own false images make you feel like you aren’t totally knocking this mom/wife thing out of the park and please know that no matter how much of a failure you feel like today, tomorrow will always be better.
Okay, enough of the serious talk lets move on to the fun stuff 🙂
Almost There: This piece stood out to me, I am not sure if it is because of the slight hint of navy or the huge size but I would love to create a room around this piece. Anytime you are trying to pick out art make sure that you choose something that speaks to you. You will always know when it does and those are the pieces you should fill your home with.
Faux Gazelle Horns: I love the look of today’s entire ensemble but these horns take the cake for me! I have always loved the way faux taxidermy or faux antlers look placed in a modern space and these are just gorgeous! No matter the style you can showcase a set somewhere and they will still look completely natural and like they were supposed to be there the entire time.
Danica Table Lamp: Out of all of the table lamps I have ever shown you, this one is hands down my absolute favorite! The shape is amazing and I love the brass detailing throughout, topped off with that beautiful gray shade! It definitely has me rethinking the whole living room design. 🙂
Norcross Area Rug: Sometimes rugs with color are just not the right answer for the space. In those situations it is impossible to go wrong with a natural fiber rug, they add tons of texture to the room and hold up nicely in high traffic areas. The pattern in this one makes it capable of hiding even more than most.
Sheila Wall Decor: Although the pieces in today’s favorites aren’t filled with color they still look amazing together because of the different textures and finishes. This basket wall decor is just another element in the big scheme of things that will give your home that layered/lived in look. By themselves, they are just pieces of wall decor but when combined with the other pieces they look finished and intentional.
Hopefully, I don’t cry too much this weekend when we drop my baby sister off but I am definitely excited to see what she chooses to do with her life and the person she will become. Then next week is back to school week for us so I have my fingers crossed that we can get both kids and myself back on some form of sleep schedule before next Friday!
In the coming weeks, you may notice some changes to the way things look around here. Don’t worry it won’t be anything major, I have just been thinking long and hard about how I want things to look so don’t be surprised if things are a little different when you return. 🙂 Also I have provided a photo for pinning below in case you would like to save this post.

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