Welcome to this week’s Friday Favorites, where I discuss things from the week that I love or have inspired me in some way.
Why is it after being off for the summer kids basically forget every single thing they know about routine? Our house has been a little bit on the crazy side since school started and I am really struggling to get things back on track. Our youngest has suddenly forgotten her listening skills and bedtime is a complete shit show most nights.
Honestly, I don’t know why I am surprised, it typically takes us months to get her straightened out when there has been any form of change and this year is no exception. You think in your fairy tale momma mind that things will get easier as they age but don’t fool yourself 🙂
On a good note, Jon is doing amazing in school and seems to really enjoy it which is great considering the move at a time when teen lives are so established.
This year has gone by so quickly and the fall decor is slowly making its way out, I cannot wait to decorate for the season. Monday I had to make a trip to hobby lobby and nearly spit out my latte when I walked in to isles and isles of Christmas decor! I may have purchased a tree skirt in August…
We have so many things that we need to get to prepare for Christmas and this year I think I am going to do my shopping much earlier.
The fact that I wait until Christmas week has always made me a little bit crazy but somehow I have managed to do it without fail for years. But this time, I plan to make it extra special for everyone and maybe have more DIY gifts instead of feeling the need to spend so much.
After last weekends DIY Marble tray  project my thoughts have been racing with tons of project ideas I would like to complete before the end of the year. If only my hands would work as fast as my mind does at times we would be spitting projects out faster than you could read them.
But hey, you have to start somewhere and the goal is to have most of them checked off the list by the time 2018 rolls around. Here is an idea of what I am thinking.
- Entryway
- Living room
- Fireplace
- Window Seat
- Guest Bath
As much as I want everything on this list to be finished, the reality of it is when you are working a full-time job, TIME is a very hard  thing to find but  even if we don’t get them all done I know we have made tons of progress on our home this year.
It may seem strange but I would totally trade all of those things to have our kitchen completed…. but that is another post and a whole lot of cash!
This week’s list is one of my favorites, the deep blues, and that gorgeous tassel pillow has me all googly eyed!
Saint Mary’s Lake: Is this not the most beautiful print? I love all of the deep blues and neutrals throughout and it would look amazing in any space. There is a large wall in our living room that this would look stunning on or maybe even the entryway, I know I wodduldn’t mind looking at this every time I walk through the door.
Sputnik Chandelier: This beauty has my heart, this is the type of chandelier that totally sets a space off. You can easily mix styles by pairing more items from other styles with more modern items such as this.
Tassel Basket: Baskets are one of those items you can never have too many of because there will always be a use for them. You can use them for storage or even as a planter but which ever you choose baskets are always a win!
Dirade Pillow & Striped Pillow: If you have been a reader here for a while you have heard me mention Studio Mcgee and how much I love her style, if you have never heard of them go check them, you won’t be disappointed. Â If you take a good look at their style, you will notice that typically on the sofa no two pillows are the same. This is the look I have been going for in our living area and these two pillows could not be any more perfect.
Tamara Chair: I am a total sucker when it comes to tufts and this chair had me at hello. 🙂 corny I know… The color is very versatile and can blend well with almost anything. If you are worried about the lighter color getting dirty don’t worry, scotch guard is your best friend! When we purchased our wing backs two years ago I doused them with as much scotch guard as I possibly could and they still do not have one stain two years later. That is pretty great if you ask me so don’t shy away from neutrals if there is a piece you love you will find a way to keep it looking good.
Over the weekend I plan on getting as much as humanly possible done while I am off work an extra day. Maybe do some more fall decorating so I can be ready for the first sign of crisp cool air! It is still 90 plus here in Oklahoma and I am so ready for some cooler weather. Â What are your holiday plans? Have a great weekend and I will see you back on Tuesday.

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