Welcome to this week’s Friday Favorites. Where I discuss things from the week that I love or have inspired me in some way! You gotta love these short week’s, right? They are always my favorite, take the Monday out and the rest of the week is golden for me.
The craziness has officially begun at the Allen residence. Grace started dance Wednesday and this year she is going to be trying out for the competitive dance company so we will be at the dance studio a lot throughout the week. She genuinely loves to dance and I am so happy we have found something that she can do that she actually enjoys.
It is seriously finally starting to feel like fall around here and I could not be happier. I am beyond over the sweltering heat that is Oklahoma in the summertime and I am ready to bust out the sweaters and boots you guys! Grace has pretty much been trying to wear sweaters to school every day since August 18th and I am glad I can finally let her without feeling a tiny bit weird for sending her to school in a sweater when it is 90 degrees outside! 🙂
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For the past few week’s I have been on the hunt for pillows for our sofa and not just any pillows either. If you remember last week I mentioned how much I loved Shea from Studio Mcgee’s style and the way she has basically broken ground on this new trend where none of the pillows match and they each look like a piece of vintage textile goodness. Well, those are the pillows I have been staring at aimlessly because they all just look so good that I cannot choose.
So when I started rounding up products for the week’s favorites it was so hard not to just fill the entire post with vintage pillows, but I refrained. Maybe for now, but these things are so amazing they really need a post all to themselves. I did get a little bit carried away with the list this week but the goodies I found are so gorgeous I didn’t think you all would mind.
Sunken Treasures: Isn’t this a beauty? I have been in love since the first day I saw it and I honestly have no idea why anyone that loves blue would pass this baby up. I love all of the movement and cvariations.ons . It would look fabulous in an entryway or above the sofa.
The Africa: If this is your first time being introduced to Casa Beads by the Downtown Aly then your welcome! This girl is oh so talented and I love almost every single item in her store. I love that these beads are different than the typical round beads we all see often and this is the perfect way to add a bit of texture to your home.
Hmong Pillow Cover: These are the pillows I was referring to. They are made from ethnic textiles sometimes rare textiles and make such a gorgeous addition to any space. They are perfect for the modern boho look and even though my style seems to be taking a more modern glam/eclectic turn I am totally pulling the trigger on some of these beauties from our sofa and wherever else I can find a spot for one. 🙂 If these happen to go out of stock just search Etsy for Hmong pillow covers and you can even filter the search to U.S only if you’d like and it will bring up tons of Hmong options. Danielle Oakley is also a great source for them as well.
Mudcloth Pillow Cover: This one is also on my list of wants, it is made out of vintage mud cloth and pillows of this kind are all the rage and I don’t see them going anywhere for a while. You can mix and match patterns and I believe as long as you stay with the same tone like soft, bright, or muted you can mix and match just about any of these babies and even though they aren’t matchy they will still look fantastic together. Plus they come in tons of colors and size options.
Quincy Rug: Lately I have been seeing vintage rugs all over the place. They are literally in almost every single home you see on IG and they are flooding my Pinterest feed and honey I’m not complaining, I could probably look at them all day long! This rug caught my eye because for one it looks like a vintage rug without actually being vintage and two the colors are so beautiful. This option would be great for those of you who love the vintage look but want to stick with a new rug.
Estee Semi-Flush: It seems I am always drawn to brass for everything from accessories to light fixtures and this one was calling my name. The geometric shape is totally in and I love the added pop that brass brings to any space. Plus it’s just pretty!
Linda Lamp: Most of you guys know that I am a total freak when it comes to lamps. I love everything a good set of lamps can do for a space and believe you should always have multiple lighting options in every room. Any space can literally come to life at night when the overhead lights go off and the lamps come on and I cannot get enough of that cozy feel.
Last weekend was a total fail in the production department, we literally did nothing almost the entire weekend. Which is sad because we could have really used that extra day off to finally get to some things we have been putting off around the house. So this weekend will be trying to squeeze in as much as we possibly can.
My to-do list is probably one of the most overwhelming things in my life and sometimes it just gets to be too much so I do nothing instead which is one of the worst possible things I can do. So I am making it a point right now to stop looking at the entire picture sometimes and start breaking things down into smaller steps so it doesn’t seem so HUGE for me.
Honestly, I think that is the only way I am going to be able to tackle this stuff without panicking daily. Do any of you ever feel like that? Do you still struggle with it today or have you found a way to make it seem like less? If so shoot me a comment and let me know what you struggle with or how you have overcome the dreaded to-do list.
If you enjoyed this article or would like to save an item from this list you can do so by pinning the image below. Have a good weekend friends! 🙂

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