Welcome to this week’s Friday Favorites, where I discuss things from that I love or have inspired me in some way!
This week started like any other, up and at em bright and early Monday morning then we headed off to work.
This day seemed like every other day of the week, only it couldn’t have been more different. You see later that morning I would be driving to the school to drop my most prized possession off into the hands of these people that would then whisk her away, suitcase and all, off to the wilderness.
Away from the city, away from the hustle and bustle of the morning commute we have grown so accustomed to, and away from everything she has ever known.
It hurt my soul to drop her off knowing that would be the last time I spoke to her for a while and with one last tight hug and a peck on the cheek, she was gone.
It wasn’t so much the fact that she wouldn’t be with us that freaked me out but that she would be going to a new place, with people that couldn’t possibly care for her as much as we did, or could they?
She would be hiking through the mountains and riding horseback alongside the river, things she could never do inside of the busy city we call home.
Yes, of course, I was grateful, grateful that she had the opportunity to go experience new things and pretend to live an entirely different life for a little while. But what about me?
Don’t they know my poor momma heart can’t possibly take the fact that I won’t be hearing her voice for a week?
What if she gets cold because she doesn’t take a jacket on the hike or what if she falls and scrapes her already wounded knee from last week’s bike wreck? Won’t she need me to console her? Is she going to be able to sleep away from home in a brand new place? Maybe she will get homesick and want to come back.
So for the past four days every time the phone rang I may have been on the other side secretly hoping it was her, finally ready to come home.
You may think what in the world, girl you need to chill, it’s only a week, why are you freaking out? But deep down in my heart, I know why this hurts so much.
It isn’t the fact that she’s gone, or with people that won’t care for her as they should because her teachers are amazing! It isn’t because of any of the crazy thoughts I’ve had running through my head either.
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It is the fact that she is growing up right before my very eyes and I can do absolutely nothing to stop it. She is becoming a young woman and I so badly want her to stay a little girl. The realization that I am no longer needed as much as I once was has hit me hard!
The thought of her growing up and moving out literally makes my heart sink and I know that we still have a long way to go before that happens but it is all happening so fast that I feel if I blink I may miss something.
So mommas with little ones or multiples, I know that some days are so difficult that you think you won’t survive but take heart knowing that one day you will wish you had those moments back. You will wish you had a snotty nose to wipe, a diaper to change and a baby to rock.
As much as we wish we could stop it, our babies grow up and one day they won’t need us as much as they used to. So enjoy those moments while they still do.
For real though who came up with the idea to take kids to the wilderness and not allow ANY contact with the parents for an entire week??? 🙂
Now we can move on to the good stuff, I am sure you are beyond ready after my cry fest up there.
This week’s Friday Favorites collection is right up my alley and full of items I need, like yesterday!
Dominant Spirit: This horse print has been on my list for as long as I can remember. I love mixing in animal prints with modern decor, I think it gives something unexpected to the space and I know we see them a lot in farmhouse style homes but they are truly not limited to only farmhouse style. You can go completely mid-century modern and adding an animal print will totally set off the space.
Botsford Armchair: This chair in emerald is a total dream! I love the color with the light tone of the wood on the legs. Adding a pair of chairs to any space is the easiest way to create a conversation area and I love it when chairs are used instead of a loveseat because it gives each person their own space instead of being arm to arm on a loveseat. This chair would quickly add a touch of class to your home.
Weaver Tool Set: This set of weaver tools couldn’t be any more unique! This would be the perfect set to add to a built-in shelf or even placed on a console table. In the product photos, it shows multiple places the items have been used and this is great for inspiration.
Charlize Pendant: This piece is hands down one of my favorite items…. ever! Isn’t it gorgeous? I imagine a row of these pendants above an island with the brass totally setting off the entire room! Brass has been back folks and it isn’t going anywhere for a long while.
Fiddle Leaf Fig: Okay you all know I am pretty much obsessed with fiddle leaf fig trees, we currently have four in our home and I have somehow managed to keep all of them alive.
If you are more of the black thumb type I have some amazing news for you! Typically faux fiddle leaf figs are ridiculous in price and really most people I know won’t pay $500 plus for a faux anything.
A few weeks ago I was shopping when I spotted this beauty and I couldn’t believe the price for a five-foot faux fiddle! Go check it out, they can easily be placed into a basket of any sort and instantly bring life into any space. In fact, I think every room should have one or at least some type of greenery.
This weekend we will be working hard to get our entryway finished up and the photos finished so you all can see how it turned out.
Wednesday I found out my grandfather’s chickens are being picked off one by one by a lone raccoon assassin!
The mother chicken was so scared that she jumped onto my mom’s shoulder refusing to leave her alone until she took her inside and put her in a dog kennel for the night! Isn’t that the saddest thing ever? So my wheels have been spinning and I think I see a DIY chicken coop in my future.
There is an old one there but it is falling apart and doesn’t do a very good job at protecting them so I want to figure something out. I know it seems kind of crazy going from discussing fancy decor options to chickens but my grandfather lives outside the city in a very rural area and he has had chickens for most of my life.
Today he only has a few so it is vital that we prevent them from being killed or he may be left with none. Do any of you have chickens? If so do you have any suggestions on protecting them?
Have a great weekend!
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