Last week was a busy one, hence why I’m running a few days behind on the weekly kitchen reno post. We spent most of the week in a mad dash to complete a few things so we could be prepped for the countertops to be installed.
Before we dig into all the things we finished up can we just talk about how gorgeous this kitchen by Design Loves Detail is?
This kitchen is pure perfection and I couldn’t love it more. That open shelving is so gorgeous and such a great way to add style to your kitchen. The contrast of the black hardware mixed with those white cabinets is just pure goodness in my book! You can see more of her brand new kitchen here along with the rest of the new home her and her family just built.
When we initially started this reno I was dead set on painting our lower cabinets green (recap the inspiration photo above) but over the past few weeks, I have become more and more concerned about my choice. Mainly because its different, bold and not so safe.
The safer choice would be to paint them white and be done with it, which is always what I thought I would end up doing but the moment we made the choice to begin the project I felt deep dark green tugging at my heartstrings.
Since then I have looked at approximately 3,755,250 green paint colors and have only landed on one that I think will work perfectly but I have been totally second guessing myself and wondering if this is really something I should do.
You see if this were someone else’s home that I was working on I would without a doubt say YES that’s the color and run with it, but when it’s your own home for some reason it is much harder to make a decision and stick with it. The one thing that concerns me is the fact that there are no windows on the east side of the house.
All of the windows are on the west side or inside bedrooms due to how our home is laid out and I worry that the green may end up being too dark for the space but on the other hand I am using tons of white throughout so that should make up for it.
Right now I’m just kind of in limbo about what we will end up with.
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This week we started working on the sink again since we added a farm sink we went from two drain holes to one and the plumbing had to be rerouted in order for it to work correctly. So we went to Home Depot and the man in the plumbing department was a total saint and told us exactly what we’d need and how to do it which saved us tons of time trying to figure it out on our own.
The instructions he gave us worked perfectly and we quickly had our garbage disposal hooked up and ready to go in just a small amount of time. At first, we were worried that the support we added for the sink would take up a ton of room and we wouldn’t be able to fit everything back under the sink but everything worked out fine.
Before we could install countertops we needed to finish the small pull out cabinets next to the stove so we finished both of those up and installed them. I am so excited about the added storage we will have and the convenience of being able to pull my spices out instead of searching through a cabinet when I need to find a particular one.
Although we are losing two of our upper cabinets we will be gaining more storage other places like above the fridge and pantry since we are enlarging the cabinets there that will allow me to store things we don’t use often like our holiday stoneware platters and other items that rarely get used which will free up a ton of space for things we do use.
Once we finished up the small cabinets it was time for more exciting things like the custom range hood which I am seriously smitten with and it’s not even finished yet!
A few weeks back we ordered it from a company that specializes in this type of thing and it arrived in two boxes. Once we had everything out it was easy to see how the pieces fit and we actually had it put together in no time.
Using a laser level we had purchased for our grid style gallery wall we made sure everything lined up before mounting the range hood frame to the wall.
Once the first few pieces were secure we began adding the side and the front pieces to complete the frame.
When it was complete I was shocked at the amount of style it added to the space and how it took the kitchen from builder grade to custom in an instant! Plus since it still has to be finished out with our choice of material I know it’s going to be even better once it is 100% completed.
We also finished the drywall taping and mudding on both sides of the kitchen which I forgot to take photos of, this was my first time doing drywall work and let’s just say Wayne was way better at it than I was (pretty much like every other thing we do, the man is a straight genius I tell you)
I seriously have to brag on him for a few minutes. He makes every single one of the projects that we do happen. I get these creative visions and he literally brings them to life and without him, there would be no P.A.D and I just want everyone to know how hard he works for this blog and for our family.
When it comes to building, construction and fixing things his mind is absolutely brilliant and I couldn’t be more lucky to have a man that is capable of making anything I dream up a reality so thank you, Wayne, for all you do.
In the coming weeks we will be working on the countertop install and I am so excited for you guys to see what we ended up going with and I’ll be back soon with all of the juicy details that I know you all are going to love so stay tuned. Also if you haven’t done so yet be sure to sign up for our email list at the top of this page so you don’t miss out on any new posts.

I can totally relate with how you feel. I love the look of the green in other people’s homes, but I think I am too much of a wimp to do it in my own home. I 100 percent agree that decorating your own home is so much more difficult.
Where is the custom range from?
Hi Gemma, I believe we talked on Instagram but the range hood is from Archways and Ceilings 🙂