Week one of our kitchen renovation is in the books and to be honest it hasn’t gone quite like I would have hoped. We had hoped to be further along in the process by now but last weekend it seemed like every single thing was working against us.
Before I get started spilling all of the details of the past week’s progress or lack there of I wanted to share the one kitchen that has been the jumping off point for this renovation and that is the one pictured by the fabulous Anissa at House Seven Design.
Not only have I been completely obsessed with just about every single thing she touches for years but this kitchen literally stopped me in my tracks and felt as if it was speaking to my soul!!! Sounds corny I know but hey, kitchens speak to me you know!!
I love the mix of white, black and green in this space plus add in all of the natural wood tones and I’m sold y’all! Lately, I’ve had this itch to add more black to our home and create a more casual California modern farmhouse feel and this entire home embodies everything that I have always wanted.
Of course, our home will never be this home but pulling pieces of inspiration from things that speak to you is what creating a home that feels like you is all about and this my friends is all me 🙂
This gives you a great idea of the look we’re trying to achieve in our home. Okay enough prettiness, for now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty!
In order to kick things off, we took everything out of the kitchen cabinets and moved the items we use daily such as the microwave, cups, silverware etc. to my desk right off of the living room. Creating a makeshift station will hopefully help us not feel so deprived in the coming weeks when we lose the use of our kitchen.
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The week before we announced that we would be remodeling our kitchen one of the major components of this renovation was delivered and this is by far the one thing I am most excited about, seriously that UPS truck was like the adult version of the ice cream truck to me!!!
It is pretty much killing me not to just blurt out what material we chose for the countertops but I know it’s going to be so worth it if we just wait and reveal after they’ve been installed… Think huge partnership!
Last Friday was the day our farmhouse sink was set to arrive and I cannot tell you how excited I was to see it in all of its glory, so as soon as I arrived home I opened the box and almost couldn’t believe my eyes!! The sink I have pretty much dreamed about for years was in a million pieces and I was mortified…
I immediately contacted the return department at Wayfair via email and within ten minutes they had my new order placed, I just had to wait for the warehouse to ship it and now have to figure out what to do with the hundred pounds of broken farm sink that is occupying our guest room.
Shipping time takes around 4-6 days and since we need the sink to be installed before we can get started on the countertops we are basically stuck in limbo until it arrives which I am not happy about at all…
Although neither of us planned for this delay we went in prepared for the challenges that are no doubt going to arise so, for now, we’re just crossing our fingers that the next shipment goes much better and arrives safe and sound.
If you’re in the market for a farmhouse apron front sink here are some similar to the one we purchased.
Over the past few weeks, one thing has really helped me keep things in order and allowed me to have all of the information I need readily available at a moments notice and that is my renovation folder.
It’s basically just a manilla folder that houses every single detail of our renovation from cabinet measurements to the sink paperwork and paint samples I want to try.
This thing has truly kept me sane throughout all of the endless decisions that have to be made. If you are planning a kitchen reno or any other kind of renovation for that matter I highly recommend creating a renovation folder for yourself, it’s really a must!
Be sure to include a drawing of the entire space with measurements plus details like paint colors (swatches) and any other products or important things you need to remember and don’t leave the house without it!
One thing I was kind of surprised by throughout this process is the total lack of information out there when it comes to custom range hoods like what parts to buy etc. when building it yourself but with some good old fashioned research I was able to figure it out… I think!
Obviously, this being our first time renovating our own home by ourselves has made me notice there are lots small details that the average person likely won’t take into account until they are faced with a problem so I am going to do my very best to include everything down to the smallest detail in hopes that it will be helpful should you run into it yourself.
The cabinet door measurements have all been sent in and we are going to be hitting it hard on the demo this weekend in an effort to make up for a little lost time. Even with the few setbacks, I am hopeful that everything else will go well and we will be done before you know it.
Next week I will have more updates on how demo went specifically the brick arch removal over the stove because we truly have no idea what has or hasn’t been done behind and underneath there so check back next Friday for the details. Again thank you for following us on this journey it makes it that much more fun knowing you guys are right here cheering us on.

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