Love these shelves by Ashley @the_cornellranch
It seems crazy that we are already into week three of our kitchen renovation but this week has also seemed super long… Maybe because we’ve been missing a sink for most of it.
Let me just say for anyone planning a kitchen reno the hardest part thus far has been the missing sink. I catch myself going over to the sink only to realize its not there about a million times a day.
Our kids have been great so far throughout all of this and I am happy it hasn’t caused a ton of disruption at this point. Living through a renovation is hard on everyone mainly because life still has to go on, you still have to go to work, school and dinner still has to be served.
All of those trips back and forth to the dance studio or soccer practice don’t stop just because you’ve decided to renovate which in turn makes it feel like you aren’t getting much done in those few hours in between.
This week we were able to get the range side drywalled, Wayne went ahead and just cut out the parts that were severely damaged and replaced it with new drywall. It will be completely covered with backsplash so making sure the seams aren’t visible isn’t really a big deal.
Once that was finished we started on the small cabinet boxes that will go on each side of the range. It is seriously insane how easy they are to build and basically, has me itching to just start completely over with new boxes but plywood is expensive y’all!
The boxes we built were 34 1/2″ x 9″ and they will be going on each side of the range as spice rack pull out cabinets, the reason we landed on those was due to removing the brick we had two big holes to fill with cabinets and they will also create storage since there will be no uppers on that side.
Monday night we started working on the sink and retrofitting the cabinets to be able to fit the large farmhouse sink instead of the regular drop in that was there before. This sink is so big you guys and it is absolutely stunning! For as long as I can remember I have wanted one. I always imagined giving a baby a bath in a giant farmhouse sink because what’s cuter than a chubby baby in a sink? But since I don’t have any babies. I’m sure I can bathe the dog in there instead 🙂
In order to install the sink, the cabinets had to be cut and a support frame built out of 2×4’s had to be placed inside the cabinet to hold the sink in place and prevent it from falling. These sinks are extremely heavy and it is guaranteed to break if it falls so making sure it is supported correctly is really important.
We just finished the support frame up last night and if all goes right we will be installing the sink, removing the rest of the countertops and prepping the cabinets for countertops this weekend!!!
Plus our new range hood arrived and I couldn’t be more excited to see what it looks like on our wall and get it vented outside!!! So cheers to no more food smell being in our house every time we cook!
That pretty much wraps up this week but if you’re not already, be sure to follow P.A.D on Instagram to see our posts and stories which will give you a behind the scenes look at our projects as we do them (you can follow us here) that’s really where I spend most of my social time and I would love it if you guys would join me!
I hope you all have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here next week for an update.

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