Upon moving into our home we knew there would be several rooms we would have to makeover due to the obnoxious paint on the walls and a few things that stylistically would not work. The Office was one of those rooms and boy did it need it. The entire office was crimson and cream for our beloved college team. The ceiling fan was a mess and it was jolting seeing all that crimson every time we passed the room. Not our style to say the least!
The room is set right off the entry and it is basically one of the first rooms you see when you enter our home. Our plan for this room was to have it serve multiple purposes, for everyday use it would be our office/game room but we would also need an extra bedroom in the summer when we have all of our children.
My first thought was a sofa with a hide-a-bed, but the longer I thought about it the more I hated the idea of having to put the bed up during the day and the odds of our children actually doing that was slim so that idea was out. I started scouring the online shops to see what would work in the space and landed on this wonderful daybed. How beautiful is this bed!
I knew the moment I spotted it that it could totally work in this space and it would solve the issue of not having a room for each of our children.So we purchased the bed and began coming up with style ideas and the image above is something we both loved! (which is rare)
What do you think? We plan to use tons of pillows on the back of the daybed to make it perform as a couch most of the time. Then when we have a full house it can be used as a bedroom. There is also a built-in desk in the corner of the room making it possible to still use the room as an office space as well.
I know this is the absolute worst photo but we failed to take a before shot when we started on the room and I need you to have a visual of how bad this room really was. Our house really is beautiful but every room besides the living room and kitchen was painted a different color when we moved in, and bright colors on top of that! Stay tuned I think you all will be impressed with the final Office Makeover reveal coming up later this week!

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