Today I want to show you A Quick And Easy Hallway Makeover! In every home there are projects that can be done that will absolutely make a huge impact, sometimes those stand out, other times you may be surprised at the difference. Over the weekend we had so many things that we needed to get finished up but we weren’t very successful. Our weekend started out with the little one sneezing nonstop then by Saturday she was full blown sick, which totally changed the mood and we really didn’t feel like doing much of anything.
We managed to finish up our hallway makeover in just a few hours and honestly I knew the paint color was bad but I didn’t realize what a huge difference a little paint and some artwork would make. When we moved in we had big plans to paint everything pretty quickly and then life happened.
If you have been here a while you have heard me discuss how bad my style was when we first purchased our home and your fixing to get a front row seat to how bad it actually was, so with that said here is what our hallway looked like before our quick and easy makeover.
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This hallway is very dark to begin with due to there being no windows, so painting this area a dark color really did it no favors at all. Plus the color itself was almost a brownish purple color which is totally not my cup of tea. When we moved in I threw some pictures on the walls in a very unstrategic manner and that’s the way it stayed for over two years. By the time I came to my senses and realized everything I had done to that point had absolutely no direction and was not what we wanted for our home it was too late. We had already spent tons of money and there was no other option but to start over one room at a time.
As you can see the lighting also needed to be updated, I mean who actually likes boob lights? The room we are fixing to start on for our son is down this hallway so I figured we could get it knocked out fairly quickly and then we could move on to his room.
We started off heading to home depot and grabbed a new light for the area, this one is really nice but Wayne thinks it looks like a flood light so we aren’t sure if it is staying or not but I do like the way it looks in the space. Since we have painted almost every room in our home minus the bathrooms and the main living area we knew we would be using repose gray by Sherwin Williams. The color honestly looks amazing in any space and it’s a very neutral gray with no major undertones which is hard to come by when dealing with gray paint colors.
I wanted to keep things simple in this area, no crazy huge gallery walls or anything. The best way to do that is with large scale artwork. These pieces are absolutely stunning and come as a set. The price is amazing and I knew the moment I saw them I just had to have a set. They have been sitting in our closet waiting for the perfect home and this just happened to end up being it.
On the opposite side of the hallway, we simply added these brass frames with special moments from our wedding. I choose black and white so they would blend well in the space and I may add two more at some point I just haven’t decided yet. These frames are amazing, they come matted which takes things up a notch and they are affordable even for the smallest budget.
Overall I couldn’t be happier with the way this turned out and to say it has improved 110% is a complete understatement. Honestly, I have no clue why we waited so long to do this as the amount of time it took was almost laughable. So if you have that small space in your home that you know needs to be updated but you have been putting it off for whatever reason just go for it! You will be so happy you did!
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Hopefully this week I can play catch up from all of the sickness and tools being all over the place from our project. Sometimes I don’t know why I even bother getting it all cleaned up because a day later we start on something else and it’s back to chaos again. 🙂 I hope this gives you some motivation to start that small project you have been putting off for weeks years! If you have a space like this in your home I would love to hear about your plans. Also, don’t forget to pin the image below!

Personally, I think the light looks great! Nice going!
Thank you so much JoDawn! It may be growing on him because he hasn’t mentioned anything else about it since we put it up 🙂
haha. I wonder the same thing….who truly prefers boob lights? lol Love the transformation, friend. You know I am pretty obsessed with that art.
Thank you so much, Friend! I know right! Like who invented those dreadful things!
Love this, Ashley! Great job on this makeover! It’s amazing the difference that even little changes can make. And I love that light fixture!
Thank you so much, Beth! I love it too but Wayne wasn’t too fond of it at all, it actually looks better than I thought it would after we got it home.