Welcome to our 2018 spring home tour! This year has already been one of huge change for us and today you will get a glimpse into all of the changes we have made in our home.
Last month I shared a post that was very near and dear to my heart, it completely changed everything we wanted for our home and set us on the path to completely revamp the look and feel of our home.
So far I cannot tell you how good it feels to finally feel like our home truly expresses who we are. If you have ever lived in a home that just didn’t feel like you then you know exactly what I’m talking about..
Following the framework that I laid out in How To Decorate Like A Pro has saved us so much money and I will show you how the small changes we made in each space to totally tone down the look and create a much more cohesive feel without doing a complete decor overhaul.
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Yes, there are still tons of things that need to be done and a list of rooms that have yet to be touched but we are well on our way to having a completed home.
Honestly, we feel 100% better about the direction we are headed although it’s taking quite a while to get there and sometimes I wonder if we will ever see the finish line but I know it will all be worth it in the end.
With all of the 60 minute home makeover shows out there its easy to fool yourself into thinking all of the hard work doesn’t exist but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
If you are looking for a quick fix or overnight remedy for your home as a whole then I’m sorry to inform you that those sparkly shows don’t happen it in real life. Creating a home you love is a journey, the kind where you continually learn and you even discover things about yourself that you may have never known along the way.
Yes, it can be easier when you have a plan but it is still a process and it usually comes together slowly and sometimes for those of us that need instant gratification that process can be difficult, but it truly does work!
Spring Home Tour
Our entryway hasn’t changed much, this is the area that made me question every single design decision that I had made up to that point. It has a very cool vibe and I am head over hills in love with the framed canvas. Huge plus it was less than $70 bucks y’all!
To give it a little bit of a facelift for spring we removed the birch logs in favor of some greenery I picked up at the locals Sams Club for pennies.
Living Room
Our living room is where I feel the magic is happening at the moment, this room was one of the first things I changed when I set out on this journey, the turquoise colors of old were really starting to make me dizzy and didn’t feel at all like our family.
Maybe it is because we have owned that turquoise ottoman for so long but trying to build our living room around it was a total mistake!
One of the other things that drove me insane before were the extremely outdated ceiling fans that adorned our ceilings throughout the home.
Most of the time you will see designers get rid of them completely but since we live in Oklahoma and its pretty much 5000 degrees here in the summer the fans had to stay but nobody ever said they had to stay ugly!
Finding a more modern version was actually much easier than I thought and honestly its been a blessing because the new versions are 75% quieter and 100% better looking than our older versions.
We chose black because on our path of change one of the top priorities in our home was adding more black throughout. Black really has a way of grounding the space and when you’re going neutral it is nice to have that pop of black to even things out.
Next up on the change order was the throw pillows, again the turquoise hues we had before were just too much and we really wanted our home to feel calm and inviting vs loud and in your face.
So we changed out a few of the pillows that were a little on the bold side and replaced them with several mud cloth options that blend really well with our current design and in my opinion look much better on our sofa.
Since we started with a new ottoman in mind I have been on the hunt for the perfect replacement, but in the meantime, this Turkish towel I purchased for a steal has been the perfect cover-up!
Currently, we are working on updating our fireplace which has been a complete eyesore in this space for way too long but I can’t wait to show you all how it turned out in the next few weeks. If you would like more information on How To Remove Brick you can check out that post here.
Master Bedroom
Next up was the bedroom and I had been dying to make some subtle changes to this space for a while and the amount of work it took to totally transform the space was so minimal.
We started with simply flipping our duvet cover to the white side, you’re probably laughing right now but I told you it was easy! Then we ditched our bold throw pillows for something much more neutral and added a neutral quilt to the bottom of the bed to lighten things up for spring.
Lastly, we switched out the art prints above the nightstands for the black framed feather prints pictured. I’m still not sure if I will keep them there or move them to another wall but for now, we love the change and how much it transformed our space.
There are still several things I want to do like update the current rug, add a black ceiling fan and add a bench cushion to the window seat but it truly is perfect for us right now. The feeling we get now when we head to bed feels like night and day, before it felt busy and now it screams peaceful and serene.
I hope you all enjoyed this home tour and were able to get an idea at the direction we’re headed with our home. Over the past year, I have preached about investing in neutral furniture pieces until I am pretty much blue in the face.
So putting this update into practice and being able to show you guys how choosing the right furniture pieces can turn a thing like completely updating your home, that in the past has been an expensive and time-consuming task into something so easy makes me so happy!
Don’t forget to pin the image below to save for later.

Love everything! You really have an eye for design! I will take one of everything. Great photography too.
Thank you so much Darlene we really love it.
Love all these tips! We had to do damage control on all the turquoise I had around our home too! So are you basically getting rid of overhead lighting in the rooms you install the new ceiling fans in? I’d like similar ceiling fans in my bedroom and living room but I’m scared to ditch the overhead lights (even though I know it’s not great quality anyway)!
Thank you Kyla, the turquoise was killing us :)… We actually already had old white grandma ceiling fans in every room so we are just swapping them out with a more modern version. The fans actually have included lighting which is pretty equivalent to what we had before so we just took a chance and we ended loving this model so much. Later we plan on adding some recessed lighting to this space but mostly we just use lamps at night anyway. (As much as I love a good chandelier we have 7 west facing 8 ft windows that span the entire back of our living room/kitchen/dining so the fans were a must)
I absolutely love your gallery wall! The frames and arrangement are so beautiful – along with the rest of your home!
Thank you so much, Meredith, we wanted to be able to incorporate family photos in an arrangement that made a statement instead of being placed sporadically throughout our home and we love how it turned out.
I love all of the changes you have made to your home, Ashley. I am right on board with you about adding pops of black throughout the house (maybe it was the Modern Farmhouse mag that inspired me, but im digging black much more lately). Beautiful tour! xoxo
Thank you Erica, it’s been much easier changing things this time around and I know we have a long way to go but one room at a time right? Omg wasn’t that magizine amazing? All of the wood tones and black has me ready to completely change everything 🙂 I’m glad you read it with me and we’re abke to find some inspiration from it as well.
Wow, yours is probably my favorite spring home tour so far! Every room is gorgeous, but I really can’t get over how pretty your gallery wall is with the lights above it. It’s such a refreshing and very opulent look. For the record, I wouldn’t miss those old ceiling fans, either!
Awww Lela thank you so very much!!! You’re kind words mean so much to me. We’ve worked what seems like endlessly and it really has come a long way. The gallery wall is always the one getting the most attention, the wall it’s on is really long and we always felt the need to add random stuff to try to fill it up and it always looked cluttered so we decided to do something big to make a statement and leave the rest bare. It worked perfectly and I love having our family photos on display.. Ps the fan is one of my favorite parts 🙂