Ever wondered how to hang curtains, the right way?
What if there were a way to make even the smallest space look big, bright and open, would you do it? You’re probably thinking, my space is so small you’re not going to get big bright and anything unless you bring in a crane and start busting down the walls…
What if I told you that you could have already done this sans the crane with only curtains and a curtain rod alone?
The thing is a majority of the general public have no idea how to hang a curtain rod correctly. Now some of you Pinterest savvy readers may be the exception to the rule but even I had no idea I had been doing it all wrong for YEARS!
Just like with other design elements curtains are essential to creating a well-styled home, going without properly hung curtains is like leaving the house without your bra!
Now just like bras, there are the crappy kind and the great comfy ones that accentuate your assets and make what already looks good look even better. But a bad bra can make you look like a sack of potatoes with lumps and bumps all over if you’re not careful… Sorry for the analogy!
So today I am going to show you how to hang curtains the right way that best accentuates your home and gives the illusion of more space, even if there is none.
Step One: Measure the length starting right under the ceiling (you want to go as high as possible) then right down the length to the floor. Write down what you came up with. My guess is its anything but 84″. In most cases, 96, 108 or even 120″ long panels are going to be the right choice for an 8′,9′, or 10′ ceiling. The average person will go out and buy 84″ long curtain panels and guess what? They are too short in almost every case.
Buy curtains that are the right size for the space. The ceilings in our house are 10-foot in the main area and master and standard 8 foot in the other bedrooms, so I know in most of our rooms, minus the kid’s bedrooms that I need to purchase longer curtains in order to get the correct look. Curtains that are too short are the absolute worst and the last thing you want to put up in your home. So make sure that you purchase the right length depending on your ceiling height.
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Insider Tip: Please refrain from buying those ridiculously short curtains that fit the window exactly, you should most definitely use full-length curtains instead. Short curtains instantly make a space look small and cut off where using full-length curtains correctly will do the exact opposite.
For most homes, I recommend nothing smaller than 96″ panels.
Step Three: Now its time for a rod. You want to make sure the rod is wide enough to not only cover your entire window but also 3″-6″ past the window frame on each side. This allows more sunlight to pour in and makes the room look bigger and brighter. You also want to hang the rod approximately 10″-12″ above the top of the window, you can even hang it a few inches from the ceiling whichever you prefer. This ensures you aren’t covering the entire window so it remains open and allows as much light as possible in and instantly makes the room feel bigger.
Step Four: This really isn’t a step but an exception to the rule per say. Sometimes you may want to use custom roman shades for instance, in cases like these, it is perfectly acceptable to have the curtains made to fit the window. So basically I’m not saying put full-length curtains on every single window because there are areas where this isn’t going to work such as the kitchen or bathroom.
You want your window to look like this when you are done, not like its wearing highwaters.
One other thing to keep in mind when it comes to drapery is lining. Unlined drapes look cheap and most of the time you can see right through them so do yourself a favor and opt for lined drapes every time. The impact these simple tasks can have is amazing and will instantly change the look and feel of your home.
I have linked a mix of my favorite go-to curtains and hardware below, some higher end and some lower options as well.
You can save this article for later by pinning the image below. For even more decorating tips see my post on how to decorate like a pro here.

Thanks for the great tips! Definitely makes the room brighter. Where did you buy your curtains from?
You’re so welcome Krystle! It’s anazing the difference a good set of curtains can do for a space. Here is a link to our curtains *note they do not come as a set, the price is per panel —- Affiliate https://rstyle.me/cz-n/cq9k3ccch8p
If you are looking for something more affordable the IKEA Ritva curtains are good quality and cheap!! They definitely aren’t as nice as the pair we bought above but I would buy them again and again for the price they are great and come in long lengths.
Where did you get your curtain rods?